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Fright Nights 2016


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Presumably it's going to go around the railway by Loggers, seeing as Blair Witch is going down the route behind Inferno.

This maze seems very interesting. I'm expecting a mix of outdoor and indoor sections, more so outdoor. I do expect it to be more of a maze though, and less of a walkthrough like Blair Witch is; It has been dubbed as a maze many a times. 

My only concern is them over-hyping it. Of course they will like everything they promote, although if it's given a scare factor of 5 when it's really not that scary, then there will be people leaving rather underwhelmed. This happened with TBT last year. It got given a 5 when it should've had no more than a 2 or 3. 

I am hopeful this year that Platform will be a great addition to the line up, unlike TBT was last year (I have no idea why it's returning it is a truly dreadful maze. Bring back Valentine or Studio imo). 

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It is going around Loggers train route. You can see from Samurai all of the track being lifted up. Space is tight in CC for two cattlepens, so I'm thinking they might use Loggers queue for Platform and then some metal fences to guide you to the entrance which I assume will be the gate to the left of naughty but nice or that'll be the exit. Either way, yes.


Big Top just wasn't finished in time that's all. It had some really good effects and now they've done it once hopefully this time it'll be fine. 

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I gotta say I do fear that this maze being related to DBGT might be a curse.

But hopefully they do something unique with this one, as most of thorpes mazes have been very cookie cutter lately..

They really need to push the boat out this year, and try to do scares which are not just "Boo".

Also how there gonna fit BWP and this in a similar area is gonna be interesting..



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3 hours ago, 0wl said:

Anyone know what the "spooky" shed is for?


I believe the spooky shed was used for access to underneath Loggers' first lift hill.  Was just themed for the sake of theming!


3 hours ago, imindetonator said:

I gotta say I do fear that this maze being related to DBGT might be a curse.


Aside from the train theme, Platform 15 and DBGT are no way related though.


My biggest concern about using the old CCR loop for a FN maze (which seems almost certain now) is the proximity to Saw.  Even if you enclose the sections that are close to Saw, there's still going to be a lot of loud, distracting noises nearby.  Could potentially spoil the atmosphere.  No doubt it's something that's been considered and they've got a way round it, but it seems like one of those things you can't be 100% certain about until it goes live.

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According to a friend on park today, a shipping container (surprise surprise) arrived on park, teeming with hay, at around 4pm. No pictures as of yet but he'll be there tomorrow and will take a few!

There may also be two routes to Platform 15, as there are two wooded areas which lead off from Saw's bunny hop. Only one may be used but there is a chance!

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