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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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Looking at the image a bit more after turning the brightness and contrast up heavily, those brown pistons look more like they're guide tubes for the chains to pass through to the mechanics underneath the gravel on the floor. There's also one laying flat on the floor directly beneath the carriage. If I were to guess looking at this photo, there might be two possibilities for them being there:

• The chains will move in accordance to the movement of the carriage when it moves vertically upwards/downwards and side-to-side with the black pillar in the middle supporting the weight of the carriage (which brings it to the second guess).
• The noise the chains will make are there for the sound effect only when they move and are not for movement of the carriage.

The carriage doesn't look as though those pistons are holding it in place, it looks as though a black support directly underneath is holding it in place instead, though, I could be wrong.

13173066_10156960230290624_1777993372920922090_o copy.jpg

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50 minutes ago, StevenVig said:

My point was, I wonder if there is some sort of drop element maybe?

I did raise the idea that the carriage was going to drop a while ago (1st of March, would quote the post but cant work out how to multi quote from different pages on this version of the forum) after all

  • on the plans was a box with a cross, which sometimes can mean a form of lift,
  • then the basic description from when they were first showing us the ride which said something along the lines of 'when guests enter the building they are confronted by a suspended train carriage held aloft by only a few chains',
  • the way even now they keep using the word "suspended",
  • and of course we can't forget all of the merch with the image of the train carriage hanging precariously from just a few chains as people fall out/try to escape, etc...
  • plus the height restriction.

I've definitely been pretty sure the train carriage is going to perform some kind of drop for a while now, though it could even be something small and slow that just gives you the sensation of falling when paired with the VR (like on Spiderman in Orlando where the movement pared with what's on the screens makes you feel like falling when in reality you've moved like a foot or something downwards I think it is). That theory would definitely fit if they are pistons under the carriage, pistons that size aren't going to be moving a "seven tonne" train carriage plus people at any kind of great speed.

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Derren with his hench finger. 


He's so happy with it on! It's like a miracle... you wouldn't even know he's now bald :P 



Guessing this is a tunnel we have to walk through, maybe an actor section.


Would be funny if he shuts the gates on people at 10am tomorrow and laughs telling them it's not ready. And denies some geeks who will no doubt be desperate for the first ride after multiple press and staff rides, but it still counts, apparently.


Very hyped for this though! It's amazing how close to opening we are and still have no idea what's in stored other than a bit of VR and a train carriage. Still a good 8-10 minutes to fill after that I'd guess. Might watch all his shows this weekend, you never know with Derren, he might have been dropping hints for this since his first tour ;) 

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4 hours ago, StevenVig said:

Yes the cart is being recycled for DBGT, and the shop sign isn't temporary don't know why it would be?

Because they look terrible? The rest of the building is themed really nicely with hand-painted signs. And the shop gets two printed boards? Horrible!

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A look at the press release on Thorpe's website reveals that the reasoning for choosing 1871 as the year is because Derren was born in 1971, and by rolling back 100 years, they reached a a Victorian year.






First look images revealed of the 7 tonne suspended Ghost Train in what seems to be an abandoned warehouse revealed


The use of the word "seems" is very striking to me.  Obviously we know there's more to this than meets the eye, and that grand illusion plays a part.  However, the photos from yesterday do make it seem very bare inside.  So, wild speculation suggests that we will board the train in an abandoned warehouse, have some different dimension VR stuff happen, then leave the train in the same physical area, but completely new surroundings?  Would be a very awesome effect if so!

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41 minutes ago, BaronC. said:

A look at the press release on Thorpe's website reveals that the reasoning for choosing 1871 as the year is because Derren was born in 1971, and by rolling back 100 years, they reached a a Victorian year.





The use of the word "seems" is very striking to me.  Obviously we know there's more to this than meets the eye, and that grand illusion plays a part.  However, the photos from yesterday do make it seem very bare inside.  So, wild speculation suggests that we will board the train in an abandoned warehouse, have some different dimension VR stuff happen, then leave the train in the same physical area, but completely new surroundings?  Would be a very awesome affect if so!

Yes. Would be an awesome effect, too! :) 

Very excited about this! 

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I was thinking how the train has been referred to as a "portal". Now although this is speculation I have came up with a brief outline of how I think the story may go.

So, as we know the time you enter the building you will be in the year 1871 (100 years before derrens birth year). Riders will watch a pre-show about this company (owners of the building) who found a 'magic train'. After this we will climb the stairs and enter the train presumably out of curiosity. We put on the headset and our inter dimensional travel begins! So, the VR portion is a way to travel into the new modern dimension, but during the travel our phobias are unlocked and come for us in the train. After we arrive, we exit into this new dimension resembling a modern tube station. Now here I think the two endings will depend on which side the train stops in, and so you will go down different paths. After this portion is complete we jump back in the train and travel back to the Victorian era. Here we exit the attraction and there is something even worse around the corner...

Another Merlin gift shop! :o 


Just a theory, but if it's anything like that and it works they could have a real world class attraction on their hands. :)

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