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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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I don't see where there going with this "terrifying new destination". The amount of advertising for DBGT was huge this year and there just gonna try to do it all over again with a small addition to the ride. I think they should try to fix all the technical bugs and 'polish' the experience before they try revamping the ride.

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41 minutes ago, ThemeParkLover said:

I think they should try to fix all the technical bugs and 'polish' the experience before they try revamping the ride.

I totally agree I've been on 4 times and the VR has only worked properly once  

Its really disappointing because you queue 2 hours for a broken ride

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They did great work, but this is a good way to learn how disconnected the hype and promotion of an attraction is from the actual attraction.


The design company that made these were hired by a PR company who were hired by Merlin PR. Nothing to do with the Merlin Studios team designing the ride, probably just a brief and the official imagery for the demon appearance were given. Then it was all shot in various locations. Of course we all found out eventually that firstly the demon isn't half as interesting in the ride as was seen in the PR stunt, and the dolls didn't feature at all and (not sure if they were even supposed to?).


Yet on Thorpe's website there are no images of the actual attraction and they are almost all from this photoshoot. Just never associate the attraction with its PR, its so misleading and for most public it just completely lessens any enjoyment from the attraction.

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On 20/11/2016 at 10:03 AM, Benin said:

Just a general shame that all that time and effort was just for marketing, imagine if the puppet was actually in the ride? Even if just an exit pathway scare...

Sadly, with at least one of the dolls currently residing in Derren's bedroom I don't think we wil see that any time soon. Although I too agree it would make a nice touch!

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  • 2 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, StevenVig said:

What do you mean its been approved? Work has already started, surely it would need approving before they start work?


With small scale projects like these, Thorpe and the council seem to have an understanding whereby Thorpe commence work before the plans have been officially approved.  It's happened with this, it had with Swarm's billboard and I'm sure it happened plenty of other times too.


Wouldn't be surprised if similar things happen at other parks where they have good relationships with local authorities.

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I'm not sure how the planning situation works for Thorpe fully, but I can only assume given the likeleihood of success rate and that both parties have a good relationship that an approval was highly likely.


Lets just hope whatever's in the extension (or should that now be old shop) will be something to enhance and compliment the existing ride and not just slap banged for the sake of it. Please no Sub Terra 2.


Edit-Baron just beat me to it and explains this clearly.

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  • 2 weeks later...




An advert for Derren Brown's new ride at Thorpe Park has been banned from prime-time TV for being "too scary".

The trailer for illusionist Brown's Ghost Train was due to be aired between 6pm and 7pm on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

But Clearcast - who monitor ads before they are broadcast - ruled it could not be aired before the 9pm watershed as it contains "scenes of threat or horror".

The 15-second promo clip, which has already been viewed over 1,000 times, asks viewers to count how many white bunnies are on a train track.

A demonic monster then pops up on the screen.

After seeing it on social media several people turned to Twitter to express their shock at the advert - ‏@Gabbb3h said: "I JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK."

While ‏@HBD_Real_Nimrod said: "Imma just go and cry in a corner and never look at bunnies. Cool. (It's 19 btw)."

And ‏@mollie_mulheran said: "that actually made me jump lol."

Do you think the ad is scary? See for yourself below:



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On 20/10/2016 at 1:35 PM, Rach666 said:

I agree with Owen, I refuse to invest any hope in this. 


Haha, erm, well that lasted long!!!


has the following text always been on the ride page? http://www.thorpebreaks.co.uk/new-rides-and-attractions.html


"Unleashed from the dark are unseen characters, thrilling physical effects and more intense live action."

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