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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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The only thing perfected here is how badly scheduled this has been done here. 


Taron was never given an open date until it was almost complete and with Baron it was the same. 


If they had never given an opening date until it was almost ready the delays would be a lot more forgivable. 




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I do find it funny how pessimistic everyone is towards what I will guarantee is one of, if not the, most loved rides Merlin have ever created. If this was Disney having a delay, nobody would bat an eye because that is OBVIOUSLY going to be for additional quality. But with Merlin, oh nonono, this MUST be that they've made a massive mistake and the ride will be terrible because of it. I have huge hopes for this ride, and any delay needed to make it work as it was designed is more than fine with me.

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There's been proof of that with people complaining about them not giving any opening date on the previous page, my goodness people can we never be happy?


I came to this forum in hopes of being able to discuss my home park with a wider audience who also love it as much as I, not to costantly read people whinging about the same thing out of what seems to be boredom. I've honestly questioned if this is a fan site or not with how people attitudes have been recently, it's just heartbreaking to see that something I believed to be somewhere I can express my excitement and speculate has been overrun by people complaining day in day out that a ride - that they didn't have before - is not yet open. 


Sorry for the rant but honestly it's getting to the point where it's just unnecessary.

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Why is that post above quoted as me...?

But in regard to the question, no-one knows when the ride is going to open. It could be tomorrow, it could be in August. The chances are it will be within 2 or so weeks. Or so we'd like to hope...

We all just need to wait patiently for it to be (finally) complete, and then we can enjoy the ride for years to come :D


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Please don't assume we are all that way.


Of course I'm disappointed it's not open yet and a couple month delay is far from ideal for us looking forward to getting on it (and even more so the park!!) but that said - the quality from what we've seen of this so far is significantly better than anything Merlin have produced before and I really can't wait for it to open and get on it!!

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3 hours ago, StealthRider said:

I do find it funny how pessimistic everyone is towards what I will guarantee is one of, if not the, most loved rides Merlin have ever created. If this was Disney having a delay, nobody would bat an eye because that is OBVIOUSLY going to be for additional quality. But with Merlin, oh nonono, this MUST be that they've made a massive mistake and the ride will be terrible because of it. I have huge hopes for this ride, and any delay needed to make it work as it was designed is more than fine with me.

Ah, but Disney are year round. Literally by this rate this is gonna be open for like a month then closed season.

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2 minutes ago, Marc said:

There's still 4 and a bit months left - I think stating it won't open for another 3 months when there are daily hotel guest trials is a little unrealistic :) 


That and the many years it will be open -

2 months isn't much!

When I say "at this rate" I mean if it carries on getting delayed monthly. Same way if Scott Hogan carries on scoring the way he is he'll reach 200 goals next year lol (Brentford striker)

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2 minutes ago, ChessingtonSam said:

When I say "at this rate" I mean if it carries on getting delayed monthly. Same way if Scott Hogan carries on scoring the way he is he'll reach 200 goals next year lol (Brentford striker)

In fairness, if it keeps on getting delayed monthly it would never open

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I think people on here are fine to complain about the delay(s) in this, especially coupled with a distinct lack of communication from the park and no real evidence to suggest an opening date...


From what you hear on the grapevine Merlin's half-heartedness in quality seems to be flying in Derren's perfectionist ideals... Which isn't a perfect match obviously...


When the biggest project in the UK has been delayed and we have no real idea why then of course people will be negative... It would honestly be dreadful if we just continued to just play ignorance and live in a bubble on here as a result... Parks should be held accountable for mess ups (not Disney fan level mess ups, where the carpet is overturned), and hence 'negativity' comes in...

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1 hour ago, Benin said:

I think people on here are fine to complain about the delay(s) in this, especially coupled with a distinct lack of communication from the park and no real evidence to suggest an opening date...



The thing is parks are notoriously quiet about things like this - they don't want to go into details because that could ruin any potential rides on it, they don't want to set an date to avoid any more potential backlash if they miss it. People are suggesting not setting an opening date in the first place would have been a good idea - but i feel if we had got to now with still no open date the backlash would also be as bad if not worse than it is now. That said theres plenty of evidence we are getting closer to a date, the almost daily hotel trials prove that.




From what you hear on the grapevine Merlin's half-heartedness in quality seems to be flying in Derren's perfectionist ideals... Which isn't a perfect match obviously...



Not sure where things like this come from but id be amazed if thats the case, the ride will be built to the plans prepared, plans which i assume Derren will have agreed to. You only have to walk around the shop to realise this isn't anything like Merlin have undertaken before..



When the biggest project in the UK has been delayed and we have no real idea why then of course people will be negative... It would honestly be dreadful if we just continued to just play ignorance and live in a bubble on here as a result... Parks should be held accountable for mess ups (not Disney fan level mess ups, where the carpet is overturned), and hence 'negativity' comes in...


As i said before I get why people are disappointed (myself included) but there is certainly a level of negativity on here from people complaining about just about everything Merlin / Thorpe do - personally if I ever felt so strongly against them i think id just not visit but thats for another discussion.  There is progress though, with the hotel rides and we've started to see a trickle of things re-appear in the media. 

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Just now, StealthRider said:

I do find it funny how pessimistic everyone is towards what I will guarantee is one of, if not the, most loved rides Merlin have ever created. If this was Disney having a delay, nobody would bat an eye because that is OBVIOUSLY going to be for additional quality. But with Merlin, oh nonono, this MUST be that they've made a massive mistake and the ride will be terrible because of it. I have huge hopes for this ride, and any delay needed to make it work as it was designed is more than fine with me.

I find it interesting that when people say it won't be good they get ridiculed as "you can't judge before you've ridden it", yet when they say things like "I guarantee it will be the best thing Merlin have ever created" it doesn't get the same response though it's still an assumption without any foundation.

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1 hour ago, Coaster Jamie said:

I find it interesting that when people say it won't be good they get ridiculed as "you can't judge before you've ridden it", yet when they say things like "I guarantee it will be the best thing Merlin have ever created" it doesn't get the same response though it's still an assumption without any foundation.


It will be those people who will be eating a large slice on humble pie, if DBGT does turn out to be not so great, and vice versa

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I think the fact it has been delayed is forgivable, but the lack of communication is less so. Going two months without any sort of update or even vague time frame is just insane, considering they were confident enough to lock down a May opening on two seperate occasions. 




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