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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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↑↑↑↑↑ Wait, that's it? I mean I wasn't expecting much but I expected more information than "oooooh its daaaarrkkeerrr spooky ooooh. Anyhoos we've made the name worse now so its EXTRA SPOOPY" However, I do have faith in Thorpe Park and really hope they don't screw this up like Sub Terra.

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Ouch, that feeling when Derren Brown doesnt want to promote his own ride anymore but is still contractually obliged to give his name to it.

"However, I do have faith in Thorpe Park and really hope they don't screw this up like Sub Terra."
Ok but it's exactly the same team that produced both and "improved" both when they had such poor responses.

Derren Brown has an even higher chance of shutting in a matter of years than the relatively simple Sub Terra did. Unless theyve practically rebuilt everything to do with the VR & train tech-wise, behind the scenes. Which is what they should have done, but the company has proven year on year how it likes to cut corners and only focus on looking like theyve done a lot.

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There is a lot that could be done, it needs real imagination and determination, to surprise people. But they usually just want to do it by stats and the stats are asking for 'better VR and more scary' - so that's the approach theyre going to make. Their main aim is to makeup for the visitor numbers that (quite rightly, after so many mistakes and the ride not opening) were a disappointment in 2016.

If its properly rethought as a great new attraction, that's fantastic, if its just a superficial change and massive rebranding to build hype again, don't bother.

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Comparisons to Sub-Terror are pointless IMO - Sub terrors alterations were made mid season in haste - the Ghost train is a totally different scale of attraction.


We all know DBGT had its issues - TP / Merlin know that more than any of us. Personally I still enjoyed it - but i can see where improvements can be made and look forward to seeing what's done over the closed season!

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I take it Derren's just too busy with his upcoming projects to be in the trailer for the new version. Maybe there getting rid of the tube section in the middle, maybe the gas will be changed to fields full of happy bunnies and the sun from the Teletubbies,,,,,, I guess we will just have to wait and see. It does seem as a bit of a cop out though that this is the "new" attraction, does that mean that last year was the soft opening?

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