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Stealth has wormed its way back into my affections slightly this year - I've noticed that every ride recently I've come off like 'damn...'. Obviously not every launch coaster can be Blue Fire, but for Thorpe it does a fantastic job.

EDIT: Also why are my posts not beginning at the start of the line?

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TP today due to it being the best day weather wise for me this week.

Lucky for me I had previously met the team who were running my favourite Stealth. Sadly though, it died when I got the harness in place.

Off I went to Colossus to stand there for half an hour then they decided to put the second train on, which then made the whole wait one hour.

Went back to Stealth and had a brilliant day on that; later someone told me they had waited for two and a half hours to ride SWARM.

The weather forecast had said rain after 6p.m., I did not go with my plan to leave at 5, but stayed, and due to the rain starting at 2 minutes to 6, decided after two rides in the rain, with it stinging more than the wasp sting I acquired earlier, time to go home.

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  • 1 month later...

Surely the canister just runs out and it takes them a while to change it.

Isn't this what daily checks are for? Check everything is good to go and functioning?

When I worked in a nightclub I knew the smoke machine needed filling up every 10 days (at the use it got), so I would make a point of checking it weekly. It really doesn't take any time at all to refill the liquid in a smoke machine

It could well be that some effects are simply switched off as there have been reports that audio has not worked in queue lines and people have mentioned that it had been switched off.

I asked for the audio to be switched on when I was on Rumba and I was told "We can't find the key to switch it on"

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It could well be that some effects are simply switched off as there have been reports that audio has not worked in queue lines and people have mentioned that it had been switched off.

The smoke effect on Stealth is linked to the ride itself and will go off every time it's launched as long as it's still filled up, the ride staff have no control over it. Unfortunately it's up to engineering to refill it and they're understandably more concerned with getting the ride open on time and it being safe to run, rather than the effects that happen (with the exceptions of Saw and Swarm where ensuring themeing is working is part of their opening checks).

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(with the exceptions of Saw and Swarm where ensuring themeing is working is part of their opening checks).

Don't make me laugh! The amount of effects broken on The Swarm this season is huge!

- Both water sprays are very rarely working

- Fire effect is barely ever on

- Sound effect of The Swarm noise on the staircase (church tower queueline building) has been switched off for most of this year

- Various water jets from fire engine broken

- Mist under plane wing is quite often switched off

- Queueline TV screens switched off quite often. (Would be pleased about this, but they still have the audio playing so it's just as annoying).

Saw is however more consistent, minus the hiccup with the lighting a few months back and of course the queueline audio.

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Don't make me laugh! The amount of effects broken on The Swarm this season is huge!

- Both water sprays are very rarely working

- Fire effect is barely ever on

- Sound effect of The Swarm noise on the staircase (church tower queueline building) has been switched off for most of this year

Saw is however more consistent, minus the hiccup with the lighting a few months back and of course the queueline audio.

- The second water effect (by the fire engine) I *think* has been turned off totally now, as I think it was causing problems with the fire effect. The first one is admittedly hit and miss.

- Almost every time I've been this year, the fire effect has been on, and goes off every 3 cycles. The only time I can think of was in March and April, when it was snowing...

- I have noticed the staircase effect has been off. However, I think only one time I've been this year was that part of the queue even open, so maybe it's a decision that reflects that, though I think if that's the case, it is a shame.

Saw did have troubles with its effects in the first season or two as well. I'm not saying it's okay that Swarm's effect aren't perfect, but from all my visits this season, Swarm's effects have been pretty darn good.

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I agree that everything should be working 100% of the time, but I've been really impressed this year with Thorpe's upkeep & maintenance. It's far from perfect (Saw's queue audio is a disgrace for example), but it's infinitely better than it was a couple of years ago, and things are definitely on the up.

I bet if you give them another week or so they'll have Stealth's launch smoke back up and running again. I imagine it is quite low on the list of priorities at the moment.

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Don't make me laugh! The amount of effects broken on The Swarm this season is huge!

- Both water sprays are very rarely working

- Fire effect is barely ever on

- Sound effect of The Swarm noise on the staircase (church tower queueline building) has been switched off for most of this year

- Various water jets from fire engine broken

- Mist under plane wing is quite often switched off

- Queueline TV screens switched off quite often. (Would be pleased about this, but they still have the audio playing so it's just as annoying).

Saw is however more consistent, minus the hiccup with the lighting a few months back and of course the queueline audio.

(Stealth topic I know but...) Mccy is right in that if the effects are working, they're turned on. When it comes to the fire and mist they're on almost every day now so you must have been very unlucky. Especially the mist, I honestly can't remember ever not seeing it on? Don't even know what you mean by 'various water jets' as well as 'water sprays' but yes the water spray by the fire engine is the only one at the moment which is turned off (but not forgotten about). I think Thorpe showed over winter there's every chance theming and effects could yet be expanded upon too...

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The smoke effect on Stealth is linked to the ride itself and will go off every time it's launched as long as it's still filled up, the ride staff have no control over it.

That's different to what the ops. told me today.

What enthusiasts must remember, and this goes for myself too, is that if GP only visit once in a blue moon, they won't know whether effects are not working, so they themselves are the lesser priority.

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Whats with these enthusiasts not liking those queueline tvs which actually relate to a story and give you something to look at for ages?

You bastards. You're ruining it for the rest of us.


Queueline TV's are good. I like them - however I don't think that The Swarm's are very good really and that women's voice constantly talking for hours/ages really gets on my nerves.

Oblivion is an example of good queueline TV's - they actually build up tension you get breaks between them - they are not dotted around the whole queue so that you have to listen to them for the entire queue.

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Whilst having a quit chat to a staff member today on the platform in front of the baggage room, a lady who was standing the "exit" side of the staff gate asked me "if I had wimped out also to not ride", I just agreed, a very short conversation.

Just had it confirmed by someone who has his finger on the button, that indeed the smoke is not operated by the ride operator but set up to operate by the mechanics.

I must have words with the person to whom I spoke earlier.

Edited by Tommy
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