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The Smiler


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  On 3/28/2013 at 5:32 PM, Tommy said:

The general opinion here seems to be 'lap bars would've been nice but I'm sure this will be fine!'.

Exactly what I think; you worded that perfectly. :P Saw is my favourite coaster in the UK at the moment so I'm sure these will be great nonetheless, it's nice to see vibrant colours on a ride for once instead of the usual darker Merlin colours of choice! Of course lap bars would have been better but this will still be good. :) Didn't mean to sound too negative in my last post aha.

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The trains look AMAZING! Totally in love with the logo at the front, so nice that the train isn't all black or gray! Yay for colour! Can't say I'm surprised at OTSRs, I've been on Team OTSRs for ages, all you losers think they'll build a rollercoaster that mental and put lapbars on it? ;)

(Though that spiny pattern in the back of the seats will drive me crazy! Front seats for me I think!)

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  On 3/28/2013 at 6:01 PM, Liam_T said:

think they'll build a rollercoaster that mental and put lapbars on it? ;)

Hmm yeah but surely if a lapbar can hold your body in the ride for just a few inversions there should be no problem with multiple inversions? ;) I'd love to know the reason once it opens why they went for OTSR's, and to find out if Gerstlauer even offered them!

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  On 3/28/2013 at 6:01 PM, Liam_T said:

all you losers think they'll build a rollercoaster that mental and put lapbars on it?

Charming Liam....but yes.

Anyway, the restraints I can deal with and the same goes for the design / colour scheme. I'm by no means 100% happy but hey I'm not going to start kicking off as the layout is awesome.

It's just those patterns that trouble me a little, it's like spirograph on the back of each seat!

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Some of the inversions are very tight and I think it was a two way thing between Merlin & Gerstlauer , remember Merlin are the same people they put a 1.4m height restriction on a dark ride, of course they'll put OTSRs on a ride that's inverts 14 times! I believe someone was saying how the first inversion is so tight that the upper body needed to be support by OTSRs to not cause stress on the body! Everyone would of loved lapbars, but it was very clear the word go, it wasn't going to have them! :)

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The 1.4m height restriction on a dark ride I assume is a nod to Sub Terra? Wasn't the reason for that because that was deemed scary and it was easier than putting in an 'age restriction' as marketed?

To be honest, I'm not surprised that it has OSTRs, but I don't see why they couldn't have had lap bars. Gerstlauer are known for tight elements and lap bars have worked with other rides. There's no doubt a reason for not having lap bars and I don't think it was because 'they couldn't'. :P

But yeah, as said the trains look fab. Just what I wanted really.

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They do look rather stunning. A huge shame it is not lapbars in my opinion, seeing as the Gerst lapbars are already proven this seems like a backward step on a ride that looks to be so innovative otherwise. I'm not saying it will, but this has the potential to really limit my ability to enjoy the ride.

  On 3/28/2013 at 5:44 PM, jackstevens217 said:

I have a feeling these look rather different to Saw's OTSR's with the more open room for your torso and the more space for your neck but It could just be the Camera angle

Look the same to me....


With the smiler the restraints colour accentuates the cut out with padding to the side of your head your head (ie the important bit!), but if you look at Saw the shape there appears exactly the same but is hardly noticeable because of it all being black.

  On 3/28/2013 at 7:07 PM, Liam_T said:

I believe someone was saying how the first inversion is so tight that the upper body needed to be support by OTSRs to not cause stress on the body!

Sorry, but no. That is rubbish.

Also, is that pattern on the back of every seat, or just the back row (ie back of the train with no one sitting right in front of it? A bit much if it is every row. That's the sort of thing that can set epileptics off just as much as flashing lights!

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To be honest, I know a fair few non enthusiasts who refuse to ride anything extreme if it has lap bars. This is due to the fact they think they will fall out.

I know it may sound dumb to some of us enthusiasts but this thought can be apparent in many non enthusiasts minds before riding, thus putting them off going on a coaster/ride altogether.

Sure lap bars would have been a neat finish, but what with a ride so visually impressive as this, I can quite honestly say 'I can live without them'

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  On 3/28/2013 at 5:12 PM, Mer said:



Love love love it! :wub:

Credit to The Attractions Guide Facebook page

And yes Josh they do look different to the other Gerst restraints!

Sexy trains! Look fantastic, really like them. I heard that each train sits 16 people, 4 rows of 4, can anyone confirm that?

I knew they would be OTSR restraints. I really dunno why people expected lapbars, this ride has more inversions than Colossus, did people actually think we'd only have lapbars?! Gerst restraints are good in the way all you do is just pull them down, and after a check off you go - none of this clip buckle malarkey like on most coasters.

The yellow plates at the side are big, I wonder how many people will trip up on them, that's assuming they don't fold open.

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  On 3/28/2013 at 11:24 PM, RideAddict said:

Sexy trains! Look fantastic, really like them. I heard that each train sits 16 people, 4 rows of 4, can anyone confirm that?

I knew they would be OTSR restraints. I really dunno why people expected lapbars, this ride has more inversions than Colossus, did people actually think we'd only have lapbars?! Gerst restraints are good in the way all you do is just pull them down, and after a check off you go - none of this clip buckle malarkey like on most coasters.

The yellow plates at the side are big, I wonder how many people will trip up on them, that's assuming they don't fold open.

4x4 was one of the first bits of info given out in a press release months ago, and also you've quoted a picture showing just that. So yes, confirmed.

There is no need for OTSRs, regardless of how many inversions it has. I expected these, I wanted lapbars. You didn't know which it would be..

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  On 3/28/2013 at 11:24 PM, RideAddict said:

The yellow plates at the side are big, I wonder how many people will trip up on them, that's assuming they don't fold open.

One would assume that the station platform will be higher than these so you step down into the train... Quite logical really...

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