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The Smiler


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OK whilst on park today, and this is, I think an exclusive, Park staff are freely telling visitors that The Smiler will be open 17th of May with previews on the 14th 15th and 16th.

Some construction photos from today.
Ooh whats this? a Tickler maybe

Someone actually working.. see I knew some of them did some work. This guy was hard at work the whole time.

Should that really be making smoke?

Some hoses.

The legs have these huge bolts being attached to the joints now.

The front of the station is now fully on. The bottom side is also done, only the top side to go.

Look that guy is working again, More importantly, just look how close the track is to the Marmalisers screens.

And some pretty spirally double helix bits, I wonder if this is homage to The Corkscrew.

And finally, a pick of the top end of the site where they were poring concrete most of the day.

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Personally this whole "marmalisation" thing or whatever it is called doesn't interest me in the slightest. Without knowing much about it, it just looks like a heap of pointless gimmicks added to an otherwise, visually appealing ride.

I don't mind the structure itself but having all those ridiculous car washer, hypnotic boards and possibly giant syringes (judging by the app, attached will just do nothing for the coaster, and may even weaken it somewhat.

Still, I guess I can't judge till it is complete.

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  On 4/6/2013 at 9:38 PM, LG95 said:

Personally this whole "marmalisation" thing or whatever it is called doesn't interest me in the slightest. Without knowing much about it, it just looks like a heap of pointless gimmicks added to an otherwise, visually appealing ride.

I don't mind the structure itself but having all those ridiculous car washer, hypnotic boards and possibly giant syringes (judging by the app, attached will just do nothing for the coaster, and may even weaken it somewhat.

Still, I guess I can't judge till it is complete.

I'm a bit lost on this one. Can you explain further why you consider it all to be a gimmick and why it will either add nothing or weaken the attraction experience? It's clear now that the theme is unusual, but I think that's an incredibly unfair branding considering it hasn't even been finished and you say yourself you don't know much about it. Would you rather have had something easier to understand but considerably lazier and lacking in depth, originality or intrigue such as Saw or Thirteen?

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Of course.

The theme I have no problem with what so ever. In fact, think it is strong route to go down.

Where me problem stands is with the whole Marmaliser element. When the concept of it was first released in the plans, I was pretty impressed. However judging by later concepts and the footage I have taken from the app, it looks nothing more than a bunch of items thrown onto the legs; something that does not work in my opinion.

I was hoping to be proved wrong, but judging from that first picture, I can't say I'am that taken aback. The structure is great and all but adding all that car washing mumbo jumbo just detracts from the rest of the structure if you ask me.

If these effects "giggler, inoculator etc" are truly going to help disorientate you, then fair enough but in reality, I can't see them adding anything to the ride. Maybe one will squirt water at you? Who knows. I just don't see the point.

This however is just my opinion. I'am not saying anyone had to agree with it. ;)

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New photos of the marmaliser 4th leg (The Inoculator) and it's top hat satellite dish thing, from Towers times. Plus the second airtime hill is complete, I think its only the lift hills now :D



That thing on top just looks odd on that thing! :wacko:

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  On 4/5/2013 at 5:19 PM, Luke_A said:

Ehh? Surely an inversion is an inversion? :P How would it have 14 inversions but not invert you 14 times?

Just going back to this, alton may say one of the elements is an 'inversion' but it might not ACTUALLY go upside down. It is like how they classified the tilt incline loop of the swarm as an 'inversion' when it does not actually make you go upside down ;)

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Just going back to this, alton may say one of the elements is an 'inversion' but it might not ACTUALLY go upside down. It is like how they classified the tilt incline loop of the swarm as an 'inversion' when it does not actually make you go upside down ;)

What angle is considered as upside down? I'm just wondering is there a specific point where as you tilt, they can class it as an inversion. I.e. If the car was in the station itd be at 0°, is upside down between 90° - 270° is it a smaller gap?

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  On 4/8/2013 at 3:30 AM, jjh123horry said:

Just going back to this, alton may say one of the elements is an 'inversion' but it might not ACTUALLY go upside down. It is like how they classified the tilt incline loop of the swarm as an 'inversion' when it does not actually make you go upside down ;)

What angle is considered as upside down? I'm just wondering is there a specific point where as you tilt, they can class it as an inversion. I.e. If the car was in the station itd be at 0°, is upside down between 90° - 270° is it a smaller gap?

I would say the gap would more start at about 135 degrees, not 90

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It's been a bone of contention for forever and I'm pretty sure always will be.

For me, you can no longer say you are the right way up beyond sideways at 90 degrees - so at 91 degrees you must be inverted! If your feet are higher than you head you are technically upside down.

BUT, I've always thought each time your body passes through the halfway point at 180 degrees (exactly upsidedown) is where an inversion in terms of a coaster should be recorded. Which leaves something like Swarms inclined loop as not an inversion when you are patently not the right way up.

Easy to see how it is hard to agree on an answer. I think with The Smiler though, every inversion we are aware of passes through the 180 degree exactly upside down point?

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As we know, Alton Towers are holding a press conference for The Smiler on Friday 17th May, with the speculation it will open on Saturday the 18th. With just over 5 weeks to go, let's take a look at what needs to be done:

  • Remaining track to be installed.
  • Electronics and ride operating system to be installed.
  • Audio and announcements to be put in place and tested.
  • Ride to be comissioned, tested many times, and to pass all clearances.
  • Any remaining theming to be applied.
  • Queueline and area to be paved or resurfaced.
  • Queueline fencing to be erected, plus theming including speaker placement.
  • Ride entrance to be created.
  • Staff to be trained on ride operation, despatch proceedures etc.

This is all I can think of but I'm sure there's more. But my main point is...is it possible? Half of me says yes, the other half no.

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  On 4/10/2013 at 11:30 AM, RideAddict said:

As we know, Alton Towers are holding a press cofnerence for The Smiler on Friday 17th May, with the speculation it will open on Saturday the 18th. With just over 5 weeks to go, let's take a look at what needs to be done:

  • Remaining track to be installed.
  • Electronics and ride operating system to be installed.
  • Audio and announcements to be put in place and tested.
  • Ride to be comissioned, tested many times, and to pass all clearances.
  • Any remaining theming to be applied.
  • Queueline and area to be paved or resurfaced.
  • Queueline fencing to be erected, plus theming including speaker placement.
  • Ride entrance to be created.
  • Staff to be trained on ride operation, despatch proceedures etc.

This is all I can think of but I'm sure there's more. But my main point is...is it possible? Half of me says yes, the other half no.

It is possible yeah. Between final construction and opening for Shambhala was just under a month. They can easily do this on The Smiler as long as there is no more delays.

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