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Fright Nights 2013


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  On 8/21/2013 at 3:35 PM, RubyRed95 said:

Really hope they reveal more soon! Going on holiday in 3 days and wont have internet access xD The suspense of not knowing what's going on is going to kill me xD

In seriousness though- although its obvious the posters are fake- the ideas seem legit. Pretty sure they're all Lionsgate films, the quotes match and its the same licence as saw so it's a bit of a giveaway =P correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't their original SAW contract due to run out around now?? Looks like they've renewed it with some extra benefits ;)

Part of me still wants them to surprise us with totally different mazes from the speculation though! =P

The SAW contract expires at the end of this season I believe - I really can't see it not being renewed at the end of the season so yes, would make sense to tie in mazes with Lionsgate films :D

I'll be a tad upset if there's no Experiment 10 as I really liked that maze.

(Welcome to the forum by the way!)

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  On 8/21/2013 at 4:05 PM, JoshC. said:

I'm expecting an announcement tonight or tomorrow then!

ahh I hope so!

With You're Next pretty much confirmed I literally HAD to look up the movie trailer! I personally can see a lot of potential, especially with the animal masks and the weapons, but also feel that if they're doing the whole 'scare rating' thing that they have mentioned, this will be one of the less scary ones. But that's just my guess ;)

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  On 8/21/2013 at 4:14 PM, MattyMoo said:

The SAW contract expires at the end of this season I believe - I really can't see it not being renewed at the end of the season so yes, would make sense to tie in mazes with Lionsgate films :D

I'll be a tad upset if there's no Experiment 10 as I really liked that maze.

(Welcome to the forum by the way!)

Thank you =D

and yeah, Experiment 10 sounded terrifying and the idea of being separated was so unique! I hope they use similar techniques on their new mazes if this one is not to make a return. That said, it's relatively new itself so I'm not losing hope just yet! :)

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  On 8/21/2013 at 4:17 PM, RubyRed95 said:

Thank you =D

and yeah, Experiment 10 sounded terrifying and the idea of being separated was so unique! I hope they use similar techniques on their new mazes if this one is not to make a return. That said, it's relatively new itself so I'm not losing hope just yet! :)

Yep that really took me by surprise - and the isolation rooms were a nice touch too :D I didn't go on E10 last year but I understand it wasn't quite as good.

I'm sure there will be some sort of big reveal tonight by Thorpe Park - then maybe one maze a week or every couple of days! :D

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  On 8/21/2013 at 4:19 PM, MattyMoo said:

Yep that really took me by surprise - and the isolation rooms were a nice touch too :D I didn't go on E10 last year but I understand it wasn't quite as good.

I'm sure there will be some sort of big reveal tonight by Thorpe Park - then maybe one maze a week or every couple of days! :D

That would certainly be a good way to keep everyone guessing through the upcoming months! And although I didn't go on E10 at all, I heard something about part of the maze involving watching a screen last year?? personally I think the action is better totally live :D

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I didn't go on ex10 last year only the year before but from what I've heard/seen there was two videos showing either a male or female patient being operated on and then waking up and attacking the doctor, I then believe the patient (male or female depending on the video shown) burst through into the room and chased you out? correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is what happened.

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Just because a film has an 18 certificate does not make it scarier than other films... The rating comes from usually swearing (hence why most 'action' 12A films have no blood and only specific levels of certain words) or gore/violence...

Besides, gory stuff is less scary than atmospheric stuff...

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I reckon that the new maze will be 'You're Next' and the whole park will have actors roaming with those masks on. There probably won't be any other mazes with a Lionsgate IP and the quotes are being used from those films simply because of similar themes to 'You're Next' and the fact that Lionsgate own them (no copyright).

I just don't think they would be able to secure a deal to base mazes on "old" films... It would cost much more for TP because the deal wouldn't be promoting those films and therefore not beneficial for Lionsgate.

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  On 8/21/2013 at 4:51 PM, J.S217 said:

:P funny you'er Next maze being the least Scary #18 certificate and (Dead Silence if it happens#15) Cabin I the woods #15(my first 15 at the cinema)

  On 8/21/2013 at 4:51 PM, J.S217 said:

:P funny you'er Next maze being the least Scary #18 certificate and (Dead Silence if it happens#15) Cabin I the woods #15(my first 15 at the cinema)

And the mazes are rated 12+ :/ :P

I cant seem to beleive that the asylum is coming back as it seems like they are going for an all film line up.

Saw, You're next, Bloody romance(!?) and cabin in the woods just would not fit in with the asylum that is why I think we will have Texas chainsaw thing instead :)

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Fright Nights looks to be shaping up to be great this year! I'm personally hoping a lot of park wide Fright Nights theming appears, the Scare Mazes could be the best they've ever had, yet some people may not experience the mazes and last year there was virtually no Fright Nights theming. Get some cheap gobo lights up, that cobweb stuff everywhere, and get those barrels out again, surely they wont have been thrown away? Most of the park wide lighting appears to be good, maybe get some of the white lights covered over with gels? At least their lighting beats Alton Towers pathetic efforts...

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  On 8/21/2013 at 5:17 PM, AdventureRyan said:

Fright Nights looks to be shaping up to be great this year! I'm personally hoping a lot of park wide Fright Nights theming appears, the Scare Mazes could be the best they've ever had, yet some people may not experience the mazes and last year there was virtually no Fright Nights theming. Get some cheap gobo lights up, that cobweb stuff everywhere, and get those barrels out again, surely they wont have been thrown away? Most of the park wide lighting appears to be good, maybe get some of the white lights covered over with gels? At least their lighting beats Alton Towers pathetic efforts...

The problem is, thorpe are only doing it on weekends up until half term which means it is very hard to put park wide themeing in as there are people who come for normal days between. I'm sure there is a way around this and if you are reading this thorpe(which I know u are ;)) please try and make the park themeing as good as possible this year instead of a couple of coloured lights :D

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Welcome to the Forum Ryan :D I really do wish we get park wide themeing again :D

Thanks! :lol: It sure would be great to have park wide theming it adds so much to the atmosphere! Just imagine the area around Loggers Leap done to something similar to an abandoned town, smoke everywhere, red lights, and pumpkins. It can't be hard to shake things up in different areas, pumpkins in one area, skeletons in another.

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I reckon thorpe park will have put the effert in with the mazes as why possibly shut the rides earlyer then the mazes , they are focusing attention on the mazes this year and want people to visit them more , hense the later closing time of the mazes for fright night this year , with the rides roughly shutting at 9pm and mazes open till 10

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  On 8/21/2013 at 5:28 PM, Inferno said:

^^ You say that James, but lighting (+ a bit of smoke) might be the best way to tackle that problem...

Imagine this in the trees in Colossus' queue..... This would barely be visible in the day, so wouldn't effect the non-FN weekdays.


Photo from http://www.halloweenhorrornights.com/orlando

Speaking of horror nights Orlando... They seem to be doing cabin in the woods. Someone is copying here :/
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  On 8/21/2013 at 5:15 PM, aTOMic said:

I reckon that the new maze will be 'You're Next' and the whole park will have actors roaming with those masks on. There probably won't be any other mazes with a Lionsgate IP and the quotes are being used from those films simply because of similar themes to 'You're Next' and the fact that Lionsgate own them (no copyright).

I just don't think they would be able to secure a deal to base mazes on "old" films... It would cost much more for TP because the deal wouldn't be promoting those films and therefore not beneficial for Lionsgate.

I dunno, weren't they talking about Fright Night getting a 'massive rebrand' or something?? Or at least ScareTour hinted at it. Lionsgate could easily be that rebrand. However, I totally get where your coming from and that would be a brilliant way to introduce new ideas - especially with the actors in masks- while still keeping many of the old classic mazes! Perhaps they will revamp all the old mazes, perhaps throwing in some name changes, and as you say, only doing one new IP one? We shall have to wait and see ;)

On a sidenote though, I can see Asylum being changed into Texas Chainsaw Massacre... what with the infamous chainsaw guy and all ;)

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