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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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Looks good until you see storm turd and x's pyramid in the background. I really think Thorpe should add themed sectors to make the park more immersive. You have a volcano, a jungle, a turd, a pyramid and an abandoned railway station all 100 feet away from each other.

Unfortunately it will be difficult to get such clear cut areas in such a small space.

This particular space is in the centre of the park and shows you anything up to 4 areas of the park (Amity, Jungle / Calypso, Lost City and Derren Brown area, which could potentially be part of 'Old Town', an area which currently only has its own pop badge).

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Unfortunately it will be difficult to get such clear cut areas in such a small space.

This particular space is in the centre of the park and shows you anything up to 4 areas of the park (Amity, Jungle / Calypso, Lost City and Derren Brown area, which could potentially be part of 'Old Town', an area which currently only has its own pop badge).

What is Old Town?

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Looks good until you see storm turd and x's pyramid in the background. I really think Thorpe should add themed sectors to make the park more immersive. You have a volcano, a jungle, a turd, a pyramid and an abandoned railway station all 100 feet away from each other.

That cracked me up maybe more than it should have! Turd just needs to be removed IMO

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How anyone can say a 'run down warehouse with a huge red shed next to it' looks great, seriously needs to go to Specsavers.  :mellow:

Well first of all the building is clearly the most detailed one we've had (in oppose to the square box that is SAW - The Ride). Secondly, it's still a little far from finished! We can only assume more will be added (hopefully some trees will be placed in front of the shed!)

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I wondered how long it'd take till someone noticed the big red shed poking out...


It's what makes the difference between a good and great attraction at the end of the day... Attention to detail... Having a red shed poking out behind a nice looking facade can ruin the general look... Think about how bad Thirteen looks because only half the tin shed is hidden as a closer example...


It's that sort of decision that makes Merlin's work that shoddy...

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Whilst I get the point being made by Liam and others, but the way I see it is that the building is meant to be an abandoned train depot / warehouse.  And based on what we have seen so far, it looks like a pretty decent replica of that in my opinion.  Which is good.


Though, the red tin shed does look terrible in comparison, even taking that into account.

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For me, the issue with the building is that it's too similar to other themes that have already been done at Thorpe.  Saw's station, Swarm's church and Tidal's station are all destructed/run-down type themes - fantastic theming pieces (well, maybe not Saw's warehouse) but all quite similar IMO.


As for the red shed, I just hope it won't be visible from the ride area when it opens as it could completely ruin the effect they are trying to create with the train station.

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So the rectangle next to load/offload. I'm guessing that's the train carriage. What if we get on that first, something happens, our mind is played with, VR etc then we get off on the opposite side and continue on our journey that has now gone wrong. What's the dark secret? Why are our minds wanted? Explains why we've only heard about the carriage if it's the first thing and that Derren doesn't want to reveal what happens once you get in it. Then you go on the experience, walking round, transit system etc. What is that dome section in the red shed going to be? Is it going to be like an underground line? Is a train going to hurtle towards you? So many questions! Then, back onto the carriage to arrive back at Thorpe and question what just happened. Derren has played with your mind, now buy the merch!

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Thorpe park gives us some of the best theming we've seen in the U.K. In a long long time and people moan. :P

I think it's important to remember Thorpe are not trying to rival Harry Potter land in Orlando here...

And most dark rides have a bad angle to look at them from!


Paultons says hi:





Think it's acceptable for people to moan that the theming just isn't all encompassing, especially given the location of the building in the middle of the park... Yeah most dark rides have bad viewpoints (even Potter), but usually only in one or two spots rather than half of it...


Like I said, it's very Thirteen...

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So the rectangle next to load/offload. I'm guessing that's the train carriage. What if we get on that first, something happens, our mind is played with, VR etc then we get off on the opposite side and continue on our journey that has now gone wrong. What's the dark secret? Why are our minds wanted? Explains why we've only heard about the carriage if it's the first thing and that Derren doesn't want to reveal what happens once you get in it. Then you go on the experience, walking round, transit system etc. What is that dome section in the red shed going to be? Is it going to be like an underground line? Is a train going to hurtle towards you? So many questions! Then, back onto the carriage to arrive back at Thorpe and question what just happened. Derren has played with your mind, now buy the merch!

I think this is wrong my bet is that 80% of the attraction is walking from room to rooms with different scenes.

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