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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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  On 5/21/2016 at 5:45 PM, Owen said:

I'd suggest to drop this subject maybe, to avoid spoilers?

Of course people will discuss what they'd like however personally, I'd see it as in everyone's best interest to avoid spoilers about the attraction...


Agree with this lets not give this guy the attention he's clearly after!

A few updates from today - bins! They are now throughout the queue, the fencing has been finished near the bush bbq :) image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg

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  On 5/21/2016 at 6:50 PM, Coaster Jamie said:

Looks great!

Is it me or does it look like the bag drop is right at the beginning of the queue?


That photo does make it look that way as there is a gate open, which I assume will be locked pretty much all the time.  I think instead of turning left to the bag room you would go straight ahead.  


The other two queues in the top left of that photo are of course Fastrack and disabled.

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Sorry to double post but I just found this article:


It has a few minor spoilers; what happens in the pre-show, a vague story description and some interior shots. But it is very interesting and worth a read. Seems like fracking is a main element of the story line! It also says that the illusions still aren't finished! I do hope that they rode it a while ago then and have only now put up this article.

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  On 5/22/2016 at 1:20 PM, Ryan said:

"Few minor spoilers" err no there's massive spoilers in that article.


The first thing that the article says is "We won't give away big spoilers" and I wouldn't say that three interior pictures, a brief story description and a few sentences about the pre-show count as "massive spoilers". It's not as if they've gone ahead and told us exactly what happens throughout the entire ride.

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I'd be inclined to say this was a group that experienced the ride on the 5th, seeing as they'd probably already planned to come to the park for that day?

The park had announced this was the reason for the delay, so I would expect that's why they said it wasn't ready at that point. :)

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"Reveley says Ghost Train has been a very complicated and large scale engineering project in the making, mainly due to the custom-build full size train carriages that feature the same infrastructure you'd see on the London Underground."

Finally confirmation of more than one train? 

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To ensure that people who want to remain 100% spoiler free can do so, I've created a spoiler thread:  

That thread can be used to discuss the newly posted article which contains some spoilers (I haven't read it personally so I'm not sure how big the spoilers were, but they were spoilers nonetheless).  Do read that thread at your own risk!


This thread can be used to keep track of construction (if there's anything visible left to do), attraction opening date, marketing, etc. etc.  Pretty much everything that we've been discussing before today.  Once Ghost Train opens, things will likely be condensed down into one thread, but we'll get to that later.  


Thanks, and don't forget to Mind The Gap!

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Thank you for creating a spoiler thread I've been avoiding all social media today... Anyway!! I thought ild take a trip down to the park today to take a look at the ghost train and see how its getting on. Not much to report on if I'm honest. The sign saying departing in.... is quite a nice touch! Bins have been added to the queue line, staff have been going in and out all day long. I think it was staff training. 

Loads of photos at the normal place. 





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