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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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I couldn't read that article after the opening line being "The days of the half-arsed Haunted House are gone"...


Like, yeah, but they went long before the modern day, becase Haunted Houses became very old hat a fair time ago... Hence the popularity of scare mazes and similar attractions...

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It doesn't matter how good the ride is. It's using actors so in a few years time it will be an incomplete experience. Merlin are incapable of learning as they have proven time and time again.

I hope simworxs have an amazing ride system as that is the only thing that will keep this attraction around for more than 5 years.


Might as well close the topic now then. I'll send Thorpe an email and tell them not to bother with any marketing as this is just going to be crap anyway.

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If you honestly believe that a ride which is actor heavy and using experimental VR will still be a great attraction as it is in its opening year then you are far more trusting in Merlin than you should be.

I have faith that this will be a good attraction when it opens. I have very little faith it will stay that way.

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This ride has the potential to be one of the best in the world or a pile of crap. From what we can see so far the theming is stunning and lots of details have been added however that is all we can see.

There is absolutely no point in judging what's inside the building because quite simply we do not know everything. If the attraction is heavy in actors I'm sure they will have learnt from previous mistakes and also have a budget according to it being a large investment. I think we need to remember this is not a smal investment of a filler attraction but a hopefully icon to the park.

With the amount of money being thrown at it, they will not have chosen to have the attraction to be heavily actor based unless they knew they could cater for it.

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It doesn't matter how good the ride is. It's using actors so in a few years time it will be an incomplete experience. Merlin are incapable of learning as they have proven time and time again.

I hope simworxs have an amazing ride system as that is the only thing that will keep this attraction around for more than 5 years.

What a rediculous statement. This is their biggest EVER investment- comparing it to things like Saw Alive / Nemeis ST is just silly and totally different.

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The initial investment should not be used as an argument basis for whether or not any cuts will be made on the future as the two are separate things...


Thorpe will eventually have to foot the bill for actors/effects/etc out of whatever budget Merlin give them... It's at that point we shall see what, if anything gets cut (and it'll be IAC first)...

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At this current time, all we can go by is looking at past attractions.  Saw Alive and Nemesis Sub Terra were both failures because the staffing cost of the actors was too high, and the demand for the attractions was declining.


Whilst I'm not going to write off Derren Brown's Ghost Train at this stage, I can understand why people (myself included) have concerns about its longevity - which as an investment of over £30 million, will have a catastrophic effect on the park if it gets to the stage where the demand isn't high enough to warrant the costs of paying the staff.


Hopefully the use of actors will be minimal - maybe just themed hosts similar to Phalanx on N:ST (therefore not using any extra staff other than those who would be operating the attraction anyway).

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