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Black Mirror Labyrinth


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And so the directionless march continues. I really really really don’t want to be negative but with such a mess of IPs, I really don’t know where Thorpe are going. If it’s a good experience, all the credit to them but we need some sort of coherence (which I know went out the window a while ago)

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On 2/12/2020 at 9:32 AM, Ryan said:

Blimey, we'd be lucky! 

Looks like we're getting some sort of new technology/dark based attraction for this year. Another short term indoor attraction? Clearly with the season opening being a little over a month away, we will see Thorpe ramping up the marketing for this. Keen to see a Jack Silkstone over-analysis video of this image like Matt said 😂


Maybe this could actually be a highly themed immersive attraction if there is a strong IP involved. I'm hoping more Living Nightmare standards of theming than Angry Birds. Realistically it is going to be another couple years of short term investment, but hopefully all will be worth it soon. RMC 2022? Or who knows this could just be another flop of an attraction that we will be talking about being replaced in a years time! Really excited to see what 2020 brings at Thorpe now :D 



I love Black Mirror so intrigued to see what they do here, looking forward to it! 

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I was a bit less subtle and just typed Black Mirror in a post instead.


Hope it doesn't have live actors in as year round attractions with live actors have an amazing track history.


And yes - socials have confirmed entrance will be behind Colossus so therefore must be the Living Nightmare space. Look out for that yellow schoolbus in the new attraction.

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25 minutes ago, Joe99 said:

And so the directionless march continues. I really really really don’t want to be negative but with such a mess of IPs, I really don’t know where Thorpe are going. If it’s a good experience, all the credit to them but we need some sort of coherence (which I know went out the window a while ago)

Could it not be argued that this a good movie for the park, becoming more of a TV / Shows themed attractions park.

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Description of the experience from the park:


Black Mirror Labyrinth is an unpredictable digitised hypnotic maze that uses cutting-edge visual technology and sensory-defying environments to reveal an uneasy truth that manipulates and displaces your very existence. Will you keep your grip on reality or will you lose yourself in the digital mainframe?

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2 minutes ago, Glitch said:

Could it not be argued that this a good movie for the park, becoming more of a TV / Shows themed attractions park.

Merlin working with Netflix could potentially be huge for them - whilst I know IP’s are not everyone’s cup of tea merlin have publicly stated they see them as the future - and if done well there’s no reason why they can’t be as good as original ideas.

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4 minutes ago, coaster38 said:

Any word as to whether this is due to open with the rest of the park in March?

I doubt Thorpe Park even know that themselves yet, considering that all of a sudden at 9am it was "announcement coming at 10am" from nowhere, with no cohesion to any of the previous tHoRpePaRk posts.


My prediction is incedibly long queues due to low throughput, and guests coming off afterwards saying was that it/it's not worth the queue/head straight to guestservices and complain for some fastpasses.


Good to see Thorpe going back to their favourite theme of dark and apocalyptic though.

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13 minutes ago, Marc said:

Merlin working with Netflix could potentially be huge for them - whilst I know IP’s are not everyone’s cup of tea merlin have publicly stated they see them as the future - and if done well there’s no reason why they can’t be as good as original ideas.

Didn’t they also publicly state DBGT was the future of theme parks...

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9 minutes ago, Marc said:

Merlin working with Netflix could potentially be huge for them - whilst I know IP’s are not everyone’s cup of tea merlin have publicly stated they see them as the future - and if done well there’s no reason why they can’t be as good as original ideas.

I don't believe this to be Netflix directly rather the UK production company overseeing the product.

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On a serious note, I don’t know what to say to this frankly.

It’s hardly surprising we have yet another IP-dependant attraction given to us with no consideration for long-term sustainability or learnt lessons from the likes of Saw Alive, I’m a Celeb and “future for theme parks” relying on actors year-round, which this is almost certain to have. Does this park have an incredibly short memory or something?


Usually I would go out and say wait until you try it before making a full judgement and give it a chance, but frankly, I am too bored and uninterested to care anymore at this point.

Sure, I’ll no doubt at some point give it a try, but I’m not expecting something incredible which undoubtedly all the vlogger celebs in the next 48 hours are gonna try and make it out to be...

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9 minutes ago, Marhelorpe said:

It’s hardly surprising we have yet another IP-dependant attraction given to us with no consideration for long-term sustainability or learnt lessons from the likes of Saw Alive, I’m a Celeb and “future for theme parks” relying on actors year-round, which this is almost certain to have. Does this park have an incredibly short memory or something?



You may say this but IP's do drive traffic towards the park, the standard of execution of the IP however may not be up to par.

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1 hour ago, pluk said:

If it were The Goblin King, Sarah, Hoggle, Ludo and Sir Didimus I'd have been interested.

Now that's an IP I could get behind!!

1 hour ago, Ryan said:



I love Black Mirror so intrigued to see what they do here, looking forward to it! 

Kudos. I wanted to try something similar but am too lazy; expertly pulled off!

1 hour ago, Glitch said:

Could it not be argued that this a good movie for the park, becoming more of a TV / Shows themed attractions park.

I feel like this point is raised every single time an IP comes to the park. 


Frankly, I don't think it works for a park to focus solely on IPs unless they're HUGE names with an overarching connection. Islands of Adventure works because of this. The one in Dubai has that appeal because of this. Thorpe with its mash of Walking Dead/Black Mirror/Derren Brown/Angry Birds/Saw? Not so much. Sure, there's stuff which will appeal to people, but its a very scattergun approach, but at the same time in a narrow market. I'm just not sure that can work long term.

13 minutes ago, Glitch said:

You may say this but IP's do drive traffic towards the park, the standard of execution of the IP however may not be up to par.

IPs don't drive traffic towards the park. IPs don't drive traffic to any parks. Well executed IPs drive traffic towards the park.


That's why Saw worked. That's why Thomas Land worked. That's why Peppa Pig World worked. CBeebies Land too. That's why Angry Birds, I'm a Celeb, Derren Brown and The Walking Dead didn't work: they weren't executed well enough.


Maybe Thorpe will execute this well. It's a relevant IP with a good premise and a strong following. But if they do, it'll only be their 6th permanent IP attraction in 11 years that's been well executed. Hardly strong indication that IPs are good for the park.




As I've said, not really my thing, since I haven't watched Black Mirror. Concept could be interesting, and it could work for the masses if done right. 


Some other things I think should be thrown out there:

-The idea of a Black Mirror attraction was toyed around with since summer last year I believe. It's hardly a last minute thing.

-This is intended to open at start of season (remember, Thorpe opens around the end of March)

-I don't believe there are meant to be live actors

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4 minutes ago, JoshC. said:



As I've said, not really my thing, since I haven't watched Black Mirror. Concept could be interesting, and it could work for the masses if done right. 



You should watch it, the PM f**ked a big, and then the story broke 4 years later about the PM really getting down with a pig, back in the uni days.

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