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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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Just to throw this out there, Thorpe won't be opening in Feb Half Term this year. This is probably completely off topic and had nothing to do with the attraction but I posted it here anyway :)

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TBH I font think any of the parks will be having FHT this year, am expecting towers to be closed.

Chessington will probably be open but just with a small handful of rides and the zoo.

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The Derren Brown reveal was always meant to be in October. That way, Derren could advertise the idea during his show by means of the scratchcard / leaflet. The photos just got out a couple of days early.

The next clues will probably have little meaning to the attraction itself, except the last one which will presumably reveal the name and maybe even the ride system (though I doubt that). The main point of the clues is for the competition; it just happens to serve as a nice bit of filler advertising.

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Let's hope that he applies his humbleness to this ride instead of demonstrating extreme vanity.


He is clearly intrinsic to the design and presentation if this ride, I don't think it's fair to think that his face being on it a bit is a mark of vanity. His 'presence' itself will probably add something to the experience, he comes with expectations, and some knowledge from the audience of the sort of things he does could well help in some of the delivery. 

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What's MORE exciting is a wonderful illusion designer called Paul Kieve is also on the creative team for this.  Paul designed the actual Svengali for Derren, as well as the wonderful illusions for the stage shows of Ghost (

), Matilda, Lord of the Rings, Our House, The Invisible Man, The Witches, The Witches of Eastwick and so many more.  


Here's my interview with him from ages ago: 

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I kind of feel like Derren is being used as the 'John Wardley' of this project.  


Thorpe and Towers in particular loved having someone, usually John, to present to the public / press and say "This guy created this".  Of course, most of the public wouldn't care *who* it was, but just lapped up the idea that there was someone.  This is a different, in that "the guy who created it" is a big name, and hopefully a big draw.


It makes me question whether Derren will feature in the attraction at all, and is just being used now for marketing purposes.  And then in 10 years time, Derren's involvement will be little more than a piece of trivia.  I hope it doesn't turn out like that, as I think having him in the attraction in some aspect would be brilliant, but I do wonder.

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