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The guest services queues over Easter were ridiculous. Glad they've introduced the table outside for rap.

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Where is the table?  We went on the Wednesdsy so it might not have been there then, just curious.


Went to Thorpe Sunday and were in and out of guest services inside 5 minutes, such a contrasting experience to Chessie :(

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I had my yearly visit to Chessington today and really wasn't impressed.

Throughputs are a huge issue now, which for a park that suffers at the best of times really isn't good.  A few examples are;


Rattlesnake dispatching a car on an average of every 65 seconds.  It was strange, as it was usually a minute gap every time, however on occasions it was only 40 seconds, yet at other times it was up to a minute and a half!  That ride is capable of dispatching after a car has left the lifthill so to be running it that slowly is nonsense!  Furthermore, the queue from the end of the cave took 55 minutes (advertised as 25 on the queue board when we joined it).  I remember when it took 15 from there!


Vampire was leaving a three minute gap between trains.  Again, appalling when the queue time is advertised as 90 minutes!

(Just to be clear, we looked at the throughput from Bubbleworks' queue and decided against going on it).


Fury was dispatching a lot slower than it is capable of, it seemed to be roughly every 40 - 45 seconds from what I could tell.


Tomb Blaster was running three trains but stacking all three at times, meaning that the queue moved slower than I've ever known it to!


Elsewhere, Zufari seemed to only have two/three trucks running meaning that the queue hardly moved, Bubbleworks and Dragon Falls were shifting queues reasonably well as usual and other rides were understaffed, for example Monkey Swinger only having one staff member on the entire attraction, I remember when they had 2/3 people!  This meant that throughput was horrifically slow even on that, as one person cannot do the job of more!


One more point I want to make is that despite some areas having some new paint (Vampire, Sea Storm), the park as a whole still looks badly neglected.  Rattlesnake and Tomb Blaster's queueline & surrounding area in particular stood out as areas that desperately require attention, which for the latter really isn't good considering that it has supposedly had an upgrade for this year!

Didn't know it was a legal requirement to carry a stopwatch to time dispatch times.

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The fence prevents vandalism & children climbing, and replaces the previous awful solution of having those planters around the base. But who knows why it's blue.

A decorative fence should have been there from the start really, since the tree is not the most solidly built scenery in the world. (Wild Asia is already going rotten and falling apart)

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