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During the summer from August through to October, at least when I went, it seemed to do the fire every 3 rounds.

Yeah I have noticed that it seems to go off every 3 rounds (the fire that is)

As for the queue times yesterday - there was a teachers strike which probably explains the volume of guests in the park. Though saying that, I went there last Friday and the amount of school kids there was ridiculous - I was saying "do these kids not bother with school these days?"

Back on topic - I recently braved it backwards on The Swarm for the first time (too scared last year after almost boffing on XNWO years ago) - first time I was second row from back and felt a little dizzy afterwards, second time was right at the back. Still prefer front row but back is a unique experience - especially that first drop :o I screamed my head off!

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haha! Go Han!

Being at school still, Many schools have inset days (or teacher training days) around this time of year, so schools get a day off. Also, as said, yesterday was strike day. Private schools or religious schools have longer Easter holidays, so there may be that. Also, YR11 schooling ends in Late May, early June, so my year group will be heading thorpe quite frequently!

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School's week is also fast approaching... ;)

Yes, last year Swarm's fire was notably every three trains; although this year I've seen it every other train, so if it's becoming yet more frequent then good on it, because it's a notable effect in the Zero-G.

I also have to agree it has seemed to 'worn in' a little and has seemed more forceful than usual. I still personally don't find it anything amazing, but a bit more to it than it was.

Also very proud of you for Braving it Backwards Han, I learnt from Samurai however not to hold your hand ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last visit, the backwards queue was 10mins and forwards ended up being 20. I told a staff member that we had seen people abusing the system by joining the backwards queue and then choosing to go forwards on the ride. Saving themselves 10mins and queue jumping everyone in the forwards queue. Did she care, of course not... Rudeness. No apology, nothing.

Needs sorting asap...

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Whilst obviously staff being rude is a total different matter I don't really think Swarms station needs batchers inside the station, people sort them selves into 2s easily enough, will wait for the front if they wish too. I guess the problem starts with the back rows, I think what would work better is to have no backwards row queue at the entrance and allow people who wish to do it backwards queue in the station. Would all work much better IMO

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. I guess the problem starts with the back rows, I think what would work better is to have no backwards row queue at the entrance and allow people who wish to do it backwards queue in the station. Would all work much better IMO

This is so painfully obvious when you are there watching it go wrong, quite why they persevere with the split queue system I can't imagine. And can be fixed instantly by blocking the backwards queue and putting up a sign.

As for the batching in stations in general, it used to always be the case (years ago) that a ride op on the platform would go along the queue from the ride side between dispatches checking the right amount of people were in each row and shuffling them if needed to fill all the seats. Never seem to see that happen any more, the staff often spend a lot of time standing around waiting (especially on one train op) when they could be doing something useful like this.

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On a different note I've been finding the restraints really uncomfortable as of recently. I don't know why but I just find the vests very restricting to the point that I was in quite a bit of pain throughout the ride, but I don't recall having that issue when I first went on Swarm? Is there really any need for those ghastly vests? (Without wanting to sound stupid).

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