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Worst Visitors At Thorpe Park?



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Would the general public care though that Stealth is an Intamin? No.

It works both ways, many a time at Thorpe or anywhere people look at you funny if you take photos of something only enthusiasts would get. I have had many photos with "chavs" as all enthusiasts seem to call them jumping in front of my camera just to ruin a great shot. They'll then walk of laughing about it! So while we seem to judge the general public as stupid idiots who just want to go faster and higher, the general public can look at us enthusiasts as geeks.

It's the same with all hobbies, you'll have people who judge those who aren't as smart about it as you and they'll judge you for being the know it all that ruins the fun.

And going back to educating people, one of my friends who goes to Thorpe with me many times now knows loads about rides. He didn't know that Stealth was an Intamin, I didn't laugh at him for not knowing, I told him about it because he was interested.

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  On 2/23/2014 at 5:13 PM, Josh R said:

9 examples from just one thread, of poorer people being labelled as "chavs". You want me to go round the whole forum? I doubt you have enough space on your servers


Where do any of the posts state anything about the wealth of the guests they point, or the wealth of the poster in question. I come from a working class background, believe it or not, and there people who are would regard as a 'chav' who are not poorer than me; indeed, they are much richer than me.

Chav is very much a wooly word; what some people define as a 'chav', others may not. But something like J.S217's post didn't even refer to chavs, but instead people who are underage smokers and the way people talk (which I presume means people who talk rudely, etc.). When a large number of travelling guests have a visit day, there is indeed a bit of a different feel to the park, with more guests than usual being ruder and more shoving and such in the queue line. If you ever visit on such a day, there's a small, but noticeable, number more security guards on park.

It feels like you're trying to make an issue out of a non-issue. People on here, including all those who you quoted, are nice people, who enjoy going to theme parks and are there to have fun. The worst types of visitors to a theme park are the ones who try and ruin a day out for others, be that by being to rude to other guests, queue jumping, breaking some of the courtesy-related park rules and so on.

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  On 2/23/2014 at 5:13 PM, Josh R said:


Done what exactly? It is you that has linked those undesirable traits to a class of society, not any of the above posters. Making you the bigot?

Well done sir, you win today's moron of the whole internet award. :) Smiley face for effort though.

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  On 2/23/2014 at 5:42 PM, Josh R said:

Looks like I have to report yet another of your posts. Hardly a good attitude to have as a moderator now, is it?

Defending the good people of this site from derogatory sweeping statements is exactly the attitude to have.

I will apologise for the starred out swear in my first post. That was very naughty of me, I'll give myself some hail Marys or something.

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  On 2/23/2014 at 5:42 PM, Josh R said:

Looks like I have to report yet another of your posts. Hardly a good attitude to have as a moderator now, is it?

The thing is, when people behave the way they do then they don't deserve to be treated nicely.

On one visit during Fright Nights 2013 I witnessed a fight, a woman being mugged, smokers in queuelines, people pushing over and jumping over the temporary queueline fencing, litter being dropped over the park, and general abuse hurled at other people.

When people behave like this, they are not worthy of being treated nicely. They are ruining the day for other people, and should be kicked out of the park IMO.

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  On 2/23/2014 at 2:15 PM, GladiatorFanKyle said:

People who make up bull**** rumours! I was in the queue for samurai and some girl said to her mate "oh my god do you know someone died on this ride" ugh -.-

This really annoys me! It pretty much happens at least once every time I go there.

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  On 2/23/2014 at 5:13 PM, Josh R said:

9 examples from just one thread, of poorer people being labelled as "chavs". You want me to go round the whole forum? I doubt you have enough space on your servers


I know it has been mentioned already Josh R, but where did any of us which you have quoted bring up other people's wealth or class?
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I wondered why a thread that was 2 years old had suddenly sparked into activity. Enjoyed that read over lunch, many thanks! :D

I think the main bone of contention is other guests ruining people's days (whether those people are enthusiasts or not) - unfortunately, most people's experience of days being ruined appears to be by guests who some would term as "chavs" - but that's not to say everyone who wears a tracksuit to Thorpe Park/talks with a London/Staines accent is going to queue jump, is it? That would be like saying that all users of this forum are upper class teenagers - I'm 31 this year :P

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I feel like queueline rules have become rather lax these last few years, I've only seen people being told to get off of the fences in the Vortex queue once or twice whilst I've witnessed a whole load more from sitting on fences to queue jumping and smoking in various other queuelines! It's definitely something the park need to review imo. 

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I can't say I think of sitting on a queueline fence as an offence(it rhymes!). Whilst smoking and queue jumping are dreadful I have sat on queueline fences many times for various reasons, being tired etc. I don't think the park should have strict action if people are sitting on the fences but a simple "please could you get down" would be accpetable. For things like smoking and queue jumping however my view is that people should be kicked out of the park straight away for making everyone's day worse.

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I'd say smokers are worst for me! This constant stench we get in the air in ALL bloody areas of the park triggers something I call the "Theme Park Aftertaste". This means even 2 HOURS after I leave the park, I've STILL got that horrible stench invading my nostrils! *shudders*


If Merlin want the money so badly, why can't they just start bringing in smoking charges? ;)

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